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About BizSafety

BizSafety is a New Zealand owned and operated company 

BizSafety’s  extensive experience in health & safety consulting will provide you with consulting support designed to meet your particular health & safety requirements

Our main objective is to make workplaces safer and legally compliant through implementing solutions that are effective and fit the business profile

Engaging BizSafety will deliver; professional service and outcomes, safer workplaces, safer systems of work, risks understood and mitigated and finally, “Peace of Mind”.
BizSafety are a highly skilled and experienced health & safety risk consultancy that is passionate about delivering best practice safety risk management to its clients.
Consultants Profile
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Shane Sampson established BizSafety in 2015 to assist companies work through the recently introduced Health & Safety at Work Act 2015. Shane had a successful management career with companies such as Winstones, Fletchers, Smith & Smiths, Novus Auto Glass , Wormald Fire Protection

In recent years Shane has owned his own companies in importing, warehousing, and importing chemical products.


Alongside Shane’s business career, Shane was a Volunteer fire fighter and attended many Industrial and Residential incidents. 

 Shane Sampson's work life has always had Health & Safety in the workplace as a key leadership focus.  Working in high risk industries meant that staff safety had to be paramount, so everyone went home safe, each day.

Shane is highly skilled at identifying workplace risks to health & safety and then working with clients to set up effective controls and training for those risks, with a "Safety Coach" approach.

Shane is a member of the New Zealand Institute of Safety Management

BizSafety Projects

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Email.  |  Tel. 0800 377 025

 Address :  203 Archers Road, Wairau Valley, Northshore, Auckland, New Zealand

© 2021 BizSafety Limited. Website proudly created by Bizpromo Limited :

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